Swivel, The Key Feature
This Is One Of The Key Components That Helps Our Drilling Rigs Deliver High Efficiency
The swivel is the heart of the rotary drilling system, it transferes water at high pressure through the drill stem to the drill bit, which cools and lubricates the bit as it drills, and flushes and forces the cuttings up and out of the borehole. Without a large capacity high volume swivel, drilling a well over twenty to thirty feet deep will be very limited, if not impossible.
We manufacture our own patent pending high volume, weight bearing swivel. Our swivel is equipped with large heavy duty, easily replaceable, packing type seals which are much more resistant to the abrasive sand and mud cuttings constantly forced through the system. Also, Roller Bearings Keep The Swivel Shaft Supported And Rotating Smoothe And Straight.
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